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My approach to massage comes from a holistic perspective with conscious bodywork. Balancing compassion and intuition with solid technical skills and utilizing both relaxation and therapeutic elements, everyone can have the experience of release and healing. My primary focus is to re-establish balance of energy and restore muscular forces to the body to return your body to a state of ease.

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Massage modalities

  • TUI NA

    Tui Na is the bodywork component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM understands our body’s function as intrinsically system based and does not attempt to address any single component independent of its larger system. Meaning, our bodies and systems within and out are merely miniature replicas of the universe itself and each component affects the others both locally and globally. Tui Na identifies and addresses energetic pathways or Meridians, which are believed to be the conduits of Qi or life force. Through acu-pressure point work along the meridians, range of motion techniques, vibration, kneading, rolling, and chaffing techniques Tui Na techniques help to relieve blockages, remove deficiencies, and correct imbalances in the flow of energy and restore your body to optimal health and function. This treatment may be performed clothed and/or seated for greater client accessibility.

  • neuromuscular & Trigger Point

    Do you have areas of pain that keep you from being able to voce your body ther way you used to? The Pain radiates and feels like a huge knot? Neuromuscular and Trigger Point Therapy aims to search out spots in muscle tissue where chronic tension has led to permanent spasms and release these spasms. If a muscle group is overstressed, parts of it may stop responding to the signal to release with the group and become stuck in contraction. In other words: a trigger point is a localized spasm or painful knot in the muscle fiber that can cause pain to be referred to other, more distant parts of the body. Trigger Point Therapy resolves these spasms by elongating the muscle group affected. While working trigger points, I will ask for you to qualify and describe the sensations you are experiencing and will ask you to engage and relax a muscle, followed by a facilitated stretch. I will usually combine Deep Tissue and Myofascial Release techniques for treatments such as Sciatica, Frozen Shoulder, Carpal Tunnel and Tendinitis

  • abhyanga

    An Eastern Indian warm oil massage boosts lymphatic detoxification, improves circulation, nourishes the skin, and promotes overall mind-body balance. Regular Abhyanga is especially grounding and relaxing for Vata dosha imbalances, but everyone can benefit from this practice. The Abhyanga treatment is performed by slowly pouring warm organic herbal infused sesame oil over the body followed by long, rhythmic sweeping strokes to help quiet the nervous system and deeply relax the mind. Steamed towels are applied to allow the oil to penetrate into deeper tissues. Vishesh follows with slow deeper strokes to relax the muscles and ground the body. This is a choreographed treatment and is traditionally done in silence.

    A warm oil scalp and abdominal massage are included in this treatment. Please let me know if you do not want these areas treated.

    This is a 90 minute session at $160 which includes essential oils

  • Myofascial Release

    The general intent of this modality is to release restrictions found anywhere among three layers of the body’s connective tissue referred to as fascia. Techniques will stretch fascial sheets, break fascial adhesions leaving tissues softer and more pliable. Left untreated fascial restrictions limit mobility, cause postural distortion, poor cellular nutrition and pain for example.

  • Craniosacral

    Craniosacral therapy is a gentle hands-on technique that uses a light touch to examine membranes and movement of the fluids in and around the central nervous system. On a surface level, the practitioner works with the bones of the skull and the pelvis. This affects, in turn, the deeper layers of membranes and cerebrospinal fluids in the spinal canal, the brain, and the spinal cord itself. Relieving tension in the central nervous system promotes a feeling of well-being by eliminating pain and boosting health and immunity.